Nadelik Lowen! Merry Christmas! Love it or loathe it, the festive period is upon us, and to celebrate our Para Kernewek (Cornish team) are sharing a version of the Twelve Days of Christmas in both Cornish and English, but with the lyrics having a Cornish twist! Feel free to sing along... (with thanks to Tony Hak for his original translation.)
Dewdhek Dydh Nadelik
Yn kynsa dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: Palores yn eythinenn gowrek. |
On the first day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: A chough in a giant gorse bush.
Yn nessa dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow har: Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek.
On the second day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: Two old Celtic crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush. |
Yn tressa dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: Tri den bal sten, Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek. |
On the third day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: Three tin miners, Two old Celtic crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush.
Yn peswora dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: Peswar brithel megys, Tri den bal sten, Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek. |
On the fourth day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: Four smoked mackerel, Three tin miners, Two old Celtic Crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush.
Yn pympes dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: PYMP PASTI BRAS! Peswar brithel megys, Tri den bal sten, Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek.
On the fifth day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: FIVE LARGE PASTIES! Four smoked mackerel, Three tin miners, Two old Celtic Crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush. |
Yn hweghves dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: Hwegh para rugbi, PYMP PASTI BRAS! Peswar brithel megys, Tri den bal sten, Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek.
On the sixth day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: Six rugby teams, FIVE LARGE PASTIES! Four smoked mackerel, Three tin miners, Two old Celtic Crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush. |
Yn seythves dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: Seyth kok gossenek, Hwegh para rugbi, PYMP PASTI BRAS! Peswar brithel megys Tri den bal sten, Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek.
On the seventh day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: Seven rusty fishing boats, Six rugby teams, FIVE LARGE PASTIES! Four smoked mackerel, Three tin miners, Two old Celtic Crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush. |
Yn ethves dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: Eth pel rag hurlya, Seyth kok gossenek, Hwegh para rugbi, PYMP PASTI BRAS! Peswar brithel megys, Tri den bal sten, Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek.
On the eighth day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: Eight balls for hurling, Seven rusty fishing boats, Six rugby teams, FIVE LARGE PASTIES! Four smoked mackerel, Three tin miners, Two old Celtic Crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush. |
Yn nawves dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: Naw bardh ow tonsya, Eth pel rag hurlya, Seyth kok gossenek, Hwegh para rugbi, PYMP PASTI BRAS! Peswar brothel megys, Tri den bal sten, Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek.
On the ninth day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: Nine bards a-dancing, Eight balls for hurling, Seven rusty fishing boats, Six rugby teams, FIVE LARGE PASTIES! Four smoked mackerel, Three tin miners, Two old Celtic Crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush. |
Yn degves dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: Deg jynnji ethenna, Naw bardh ow tonsya, Eth pel rag hurlya, Seyth kok gossenek, Hwegh para rugbi, PYMP PASTI BRAS! Peswar brithel megys, Tri den bal sten, Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek.
On the tenth day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: Ten engine houses steaming, Nine bards a-dancing, Eight balls for hurling, Seven rusty fishing boats, Six rugby teams, FIVE LARGE PASTIES! Four smoked mackerel, Three tin miners, Two old Celtic Crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush. |
Yn unnegves dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: Unnek tesen safron, Deg jynnji ethenna, Naw bardh ow tonsya, Eth pel rag hurlya, Seyth kok gossenek, Hwegh para rugbi, PYMP PASTI BRAS! Peswar brithel megys, Tri den bal sten, Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: Eleven saffron cakes, Ten engine houses steaming, Nine bards a-dancing, Eight balls for hurling, Seven rusty fishing boats, Six rugby teams, FIVE LARGE PASTIES! Four smoked mackerel, Three tin miners, Two old Celtic Crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush. |
Yn dewdhegves dydh Nadelik, Dhymm y ros ow harer: Dewdhek krib mordardha, Unnek tesen safron, Deg jynnji ethenna, Naw bardh ow tonsya, Eth pel rag hurlya, Seyth kok gossenek, Hwegh para rugbi, PYMP PASTI BRAS! Peswar brithel megys, Tri den bal sten, Dew grows keltek koth, Ha palores yn eythinenn gowrek. |
On the twelfth day of Christmas, My lover gave to me: Twelve reefs to surf, Eleven saffron cakes, Ten engine houses steaming, Nine bards a-dancing, Eight balls for hurling, Seven rusty fishing boats, Six rugby teams, FIVE LARGE PASTIES! Four smoked mackerel, Three tin miners, Two old Celtic Crosses, And a Chough in a giant gorse bush. |