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Blogg amedhyans

Soils training day Feb 2019 - examining soil samplesAs all farmers know, the health of your soil is essential to effective growing.

As part of our Wild Penwith project, our Farm Environment Officer Phil and Ecologist James have been working with farmers across Penwith to help them assess their soil health. For this Phil has been offering a free soil testing service, where samples of soil from farms are sent off for analysis to measure the levels of key nutrients such as potassium and phosphorus. Understanding the composition of the soil can lead to more focused fertilisation, and support the health of the soil for the longer term. 

On the 28th February we also offered an interactive soils training day at Landithey Hall, allowing farmers to get hands on experience with methods to measure and maintain soil health.

Maintaining healthy soil is key to supporting the living, working landscape of Penwith.

You can also visit our Farming and Wildlife pages for more information, or read more about our Wild Penwith project.

Tagged under: VolunteeringOw Podhegi   FarmingAmedhyans