Outstanding Penwith

Cornwall AONB
Recruitment, support and training of volunteers to support all the Penwith Landscape Partnership projects as required.
Pennwydh an Gwella or Outstanding Penwith supported all twelve of the other Penwith Landscape Partnership projects by attracting volunteers to the programme, and supporting these through training and other activities.
Volunteers were at the heart of the programme, and we offered a wide variety of volunteer roles to appeal to all interests - including outdoors practical work, historical research, computer skills, and local landscape character assessments. The project was cross-cutting and provided essential support to deliver the PLP project activities whilst also providing training and learning opportunities for a wide range of people from Penwith and beyond. People of all ages and abilities were be the main beneficiaries, together with the natural and historical environments. Farmers and landowners also received supervised help to carry out conservation work.
The project wouldn’t have been possible without a fantastic group of volunteers; so a massive thank you to everyone who got involved. Over the course of the programme we recruited over 400 volunteers to help us:uncover, survey and maintain archaeological sites; increase our knowledge of the flora and fauna of Penwith; repair our Cornish Hedges; collect wildflower seeds and plant wildflower meadows; survey and maintain our paths; survey our landscape; and so much more…..
Also as part of the project:
- We delivered a wide range of training to our volunteers via our specialist in-house staff and external trainers, including the first Lantra certified Cornish Hedging training.
- We went beyond our volunteers and delivered pre-apprenticeship training to 16-25 year olds in 3 traditional Cornish crafts
- We brought people together to work in our amazing landscape
To learn more about our volunteering, click below to visit our Volunteering pages
The lead partner for this project ws the Cornwall AONB, with the project being led within the PLP team by our Volunteer Coordinator. Practical volunteer tasks were led by our Practical Tasks Officer.